Reading remote audio file using AVAssetReader aborts

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I have a iOS app that tries to read an audio file using an AVAssetReader from a remote server. However the AVAssetReader never gets created, during creation it throws an error “Process aborted”. What is wrong with that code ?

BTW: The URL/resource is reachable and valid. I can play the file in the same app using SwiftUI’s VideoPlayPlayer !

if let url = URL(string: "") {
  let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: nil)
  print(asset) // looks OK
  do {
    let assetReader = try AVAssetReader(asset: asset)
    print(#fileID, #function, assetReader) // never reached
  } catch {
    print(#fileID, #function, error.localizedDescription) // instead I get error 'Vorgang gestoppt'

Any ideas ?


The AVAssetReader documentation says that

The assets you read may represent file-based media like QuickTime movies or MPEG-4 files, or media that you compose from multiple sources using AVComposition.

and AVComposition‘s header file documentation says

An AVComposition combines media data from multiple local file-based sources in a custom temporal arrangement

so it looks like AVAssetReader can only read file based, or compositions of file based assets and not remote assets.

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