phpmyadmin: how to select a default database?

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Is there a way to select a default database when entering phpmyadmin ?

I have 20 databases and I would like to create some shortcuts like

Better if I can choose it with an url parameter such as:


The url parameter for the database name is ‘db’. See

If your ‘normal’ url to open phpMyAdmin was:  

. . . then you could go directly to a specific database with:  

. . . or directly to SQL view in that database with:  

. . . or directly to Browse Table view with:  

I save a lot of time by keeping a set of one-click links to database sections/tasks that I use frequently. You can even supply login credentials – if your webhost has the option enabled. Also, if your webhost the ophasn’t disabled this (like mine has), you could even supply your login credentials with:


You can find more parameters by keeping an eye on the eye on the url querystring while navigating the site, or there’s more information here:

4.8 Which parameters can I use in the URL that starts phpMyAdmin?

When accessing phpMyAdmin, you can use the db, pma_username, pma_password and server URL parameters. The server parameter can contain either the numeric host index (from $i of the configuration file) or one of the host names present in the configuration file. Using pma_username and pma_password has been tested with the ‘cookie’ auth_type.

For example, a direct login URL can be constructed as:

Warning: If you don’t already know why this is a bad idea, then you really shouldn’t use that last tip!

If you wanted to get really fancy, a quick addition to your .htaccess file would allow you to use direct urls like below. (Details here)

  • http://server/phpMyAdmin/yourDatabase ,or,
  • http://server/phpMyAdmin/yourDatabase/yourTable ,or,
  • http://server/phpMyAdmin/yourDatabase/yourTable/yourScript


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