Oracle 19c ORA-02291 parent key not found

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First time, long time. Love this place for finding answers to my dumb questions! Scarily, I’m Oracle self-taught (because it was thrown on my plate at work) and I have this occasional problem I simply can’t figure out. Here’s the summary:
-We have a system that actuates inhalers
-A camera captures high-speed images
-The images are put into the database with a corresponding information
-The user can then go back into the program to view the images, filtering by the corresponding information

Sometimes, this ORA-02291 error occurs. I can see that something can’t be referenced, but I have no idea what. Successful pieces of data I’m assuming are exactly the same. I’m trying to narrow down whether the corresponding data can’t be inserted to a table, or the images themselves can’t be inserted.

By looking at this, anyone have an idea? Or at least a more in-depth explanation for what ORA-02291 actually means?! Thanks!!!

Event Date/Time Event Type Event Class Event Code System Type System Serial # Event Note
10/07/2024 03:04:18 PM Error Database Exception -2147217900 123 456 * Test

  • Manage
  • Txfr Compressed Images to
  • Rollback Transaction on
    Saving Shot Images
  • Execute SQL Command (no data returned).vi:2
    insert into actuation_images
    (actuation_id, seq_nbr, image, image_type)
    (select 14549011115595030000007290, NULL, blob_data, ‘zip’ from blob_temp where blob_id = 14549011115595030000008647)
    Exception occured in OraOLEDB: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SV.FK_ACT_IMAGE) violated – parent key not found

SQL Developer to cross-reference corresponding data and images.

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