Microsoft Access Database Query Criteria Not Working

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so currently I’m making a simple database a company to sort their documents into clauses specified by BRCGS standards. The documents are listed like the following examples “QUA 012.2, PRO 034.1, Misc 044.1, etc.” I have been trying for the life of me to get a query working where I can just get the Misc documents, but it is not working.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

SELECT Documents.document_id, Documents.title,, Documents.description
FROM Documents
WHERE (((Documents.title) Like “%Misc%”));

As well as many different configurations, like putting QUA in there. Nothing has worked except a specific entry, such as QUA 012.1. That’s the only thing that has worked. Other than that specific test, no results show up at all, just a blank line for adding an entry into the query. If anyone can help this I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve tried to use both the SQL view and design view, but nothing is working. Thanks!

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