I want to get URLs to download any version of Android Command-Line tools. Is there such a list?
What I know:
sdkmanager --list --verbose
doesn’t print URLs -
https://dl.google.com/android/repository returns 404
https://developer.android.com/sdk/older_releases.html only contains extremely old releases
cat $ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/source.properties
printsPkg.Revision=11.0 Pkg.Path=cmdline-tools;11.0 Pkg.Desc=Android SDK Command-line Tools
Not very useful.
A comment under this answer has the actual answer – that is, this GitHub gist.
Basically, the repository contents list is available (in XML) at https://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository2-1.xml.
You can use the linked Go program in the gist, or curl
it and use e.g. yq
to convert from XML to JSON, and from there on, we can use jq
to perform more granular selection of packages, for example:
curl -s https://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository2-1.xml
| yq -p xml -o json
| jq '."sdk-repository" | .remotePackage[] | select(."display-name" | startswith("Android SDK Command-line Tools"))'