Interactive proportional value of a pandas column displayed using altair pie chart in python?

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I have a sample dataframe created using the snippet below

categories = [
    "Network Issue",
    "Hardware Failure",
    "Software Bug",
    "User Error",
locations = ["Location A", "Location B", "Location C", "Location D", "Location E"]
data = {
    "Root Cause": [random.choice(categories) for _ in range(20)],
    "LocationName": [random.choice(locations) for _ in range(20)],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I wanted to get the following –

  1. A pie (or donut) chart using Altair’s alt.Chart(source).mak_arc() method whereby the theta is based on the proportional value of the Root Cause column i.e. – (sum(‘Root Cause’) / count(‘Root Cause’))
  2. Allow users to select an arc of the pie (or donut) chart and have a table display those rows based on selection.

I have tried creating the pie chart using the following

import altair as alt
# Create the pie chart
pie_chart = (
        theta=alt.Theta(field="Root Cause", type="nominal", aggregate="count"),
        color=alt.Color(field="Root Cause", type="nominal"),
            "Root Cause",
            alt.Tooltip(field="Root Cause", type="nominal"),
            alt.Tooltip(field="count()", title="Percentage"),


This gives me a pie chart but doesnt display the percentage value upon hovering or displayed as text.
Also what would be a way to link the selection to a table adjacent to the pie chart?

I have tried looking at the docs here and here but havent got much luck, please advice.


Thanks for the recommendations @joelostblom. I did the following to achieve what I needed –

  1. Aggregate the original dataframe to reduce it to a smaller number of rows and then draw the pie chart based on this aggregated dataframe

Pie chart using reduced/ aggregated dataframe

selection = alt.selection_point(fields=[‘Root Cause’])

pieChart = (
        theta=alt.Theta(field="Percentage", type="quantitative"),
        color=alt.Color(field="Root Cause", type="nominal", legend = alt.Legend(orient='left')

        tooltip=["Root Cause"],
    .properties(title="Proportion of root cause", width=300, height=300)
  1. Declare the base table object using the code specified in the link in the docs

Base chart for data tables

ranked_text = alt.Chart(pieChartData).mark_text(align='right', stroke=None, strokeWidth=0).encode(
    alt.datum.row_number < 20

Note – the alt.ViewConfig(strokeWidth=0) property helped to hide the column borders.
Following this create ‘columns’ using the base table object like this –

rootCauseField = drawTable(ranked_text, 'Root Cause:N', 'Root Cause')

field1= drawTable(ranked_text, 'Field1:Q', 'Field1')

field2 = drawTable(ranked_text,'Field2:Q', 'Field2')

Combine all the ‘columns’ next to each other …

text = alt.hconcat(rootCauseField, field1,field2)

Then concatenate the pie and table next to each other using

pieChart | text

Hope this is of use to others if they need something similar.

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