How to unit-test / mock code with beanie queries

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So my concrete problem is that I am trying to create a unit test for something like this:

from mongo_models import Record

async def do_something(record_id: str):

    record = await Record.find_one( == record_id)

    if record is None:
        record = Record(id='randomly_generated_string', content='')

    # Other operations with `record` but we can ignore them for this

    return record

Where the contains:

from beanie import Document

class Record(Document):
    id: str
    content: str

So I tried doing something like this:

import pytest

from core_code import do_something

async def test_do_something():
    """ Test do_something method."""

    # Create a mock for the object that will be returned by find_one
    record_mock = AsyncMock(spec=Record) = "test-id"
    record_mock.content = "Test content"

    # Test with the find_one method patched
    with patch('mongo_models.Record.find_one', return_value=record_mock) as mock_find_one:

        result = await do_something(record_id="input_id")

        # Assert that find_one was called

        # Assert the right object is being used
        assert result == record_mock

But I am getting an AttributeError: id error when is executed the instruction:
record = await Record.find_one( == record_id) line.

I think it gives an error is because you are trying to access a class attribute before the class is defined at, you can try to check if record exists before checking for equality with expected value.

record = await Record.find_one( == record_id)

Attached sample examples:

Code which will give error:

class test():
    id: str
    test: str
print(hasattr(test, 'id') -> will give False
print( -> will give AttributeError: type object 'test' has no attribute 'id'

Code which worked

class test():
    id = '1'
    test: str
print(hasattr(test, 'id')) -> gives True
print( -> gives '1'


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