How to mock the Twilio library in Laravel

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I am using the Twilio library for php/laravel to send sms message. I would like to know could I mock it in my tests, I just want to make sure the create method is call and return a correct message


$twilio = new Client(‘xxxxxxxxx’, ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’);

$message = $twilio->messages->create(
    "whatsapp:+" . $request->input('user_phone'),
        "mediaUrl" => [
        "from" => "whatsapp:+xxxxxxxxx",

return response(['message_sid' => $message->sid]);

This is the test:

use TwilioRestClient;

        $mock = $this->partialMock(Client::class, function (MockInterface $mock) {
                        "mediaUrl" => [
                        "from" => "whatsapp:+xxxxxxxxx",

But I am getting this error:
[HTTP 401] Unable to create record: Authentication Error – invalid username

Maybe is because it is supposed to pass in the credentiales in the constructor, but even if I do that, I should not make http request in tests.
What can I do?

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