How to Combine Semantic Search with SQL Analytical Queries?

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I’m currently working on creating an LLM-agent that can provide insights from a complex database. The database includes several columns of different types (datetime, numeric, and text).

For simplicity, let’s assume I have a table containing information about reports with three columns: Date, Category, and Description. Let’s also assume that the number of categories is indefinite.

For text-related queries, semantic search has me covered. For analytical queries, such as filtering data for a time range, I could use text-to-SQL or an agent.

My problem arises when facing queries like “How many incidents related to falling off a roof happened last year?”. This requires to split the task into three sub-tasks:

  • filter date
  • find relevant reports according to the Description AND the Category (AND N columns)
  • sum up the results

Let me present my initial approach:

Semantic Search + SQL filtering

  • Filter date

  • Filter Category with LIKE

  • Semantic Search over Description

Covers more ground that using pure sql filtering, but it can still be inaccurate. My current problems are:

  • Problem #1: This is about something very specific: counting reports. The semantic search depends on the threshold set for the similarity/distance.

  • Problem #2: The Category will not be fully captured with a LIKE operation.

For Problem #2 I could add the Category to the description and leave that for the semantic search, but it might also add some noise to the similarity computation, as we can see here:

from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine

# LangChain Ollama embeddings

eq1 = embeddings_model.embed_query("Last night I fell off my bed when I was having a nightmare and I felt really bad")
eq2 = embeddings_model.embed_query("the other day I slipped over some ice and I fell to the ground")
eq3 = embeddings_model.embed_query("I fall down all the time.")

# Cosine similarity varies with the rest of context,

# even if all three sentences talk about falling

cosine(eq1, eq2), cosine(eq1, eq3), cosine(eq2, eq3)

> > > (0.5038163339975597, 0.6419394542874378, 0.4899502476580482)

For Problem #1 I guess it depends on the threshold for the similarity as well, but then we would be dealing with a precision/recall scenario (counting irrelevant reports vs excluding relevant reports)

I’ve been scratching my head over this problem for a couple of weeks now, and I can’t seem to find a solid way around it.

Has anyone faced a similar issue or have any ideas on how to effectively combine these techniques? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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