How to Access Underlying SLF4J Logger from oshai.kotlin-logging’s KLogger in Spring?

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I’m migrating my project to use oshai’s kotlin-logging. My external class AbstractConnector expects an SLF4J Logger, but KLogger in oshai’s kotlin-logging doesn’t inherit it more and doesn’t expose an underlyingLogger property.

Here’s the existing external abstract class:

abstract class AbstractConnector(
private val log: org.slf4j.Logger

The previous implementation of my Connector looked like this:

import mu.KotlinLogging

class MyConnector(
private val client: HttpGraphQlClient,
private val mapper: MyMapper
) : AbstractGraphQlConnector(
) {
    companion object {
        private val log = KotlinLogging.logger {}


I need to migrate to oshai’s kotlin-logging, which doesn’t inherit org.slf4j.Logger more.

Here is the new library:

import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging

My Problem:

I need to access the SLF4J Logger from the KLogger instance to pass it to the AbstractConnector. The previous method using mu.KotlinLogging allowed accessing the underlying SLF4J logger. How can I achieve this with oshai’s kotlin-logging?

Alternatively, could I exclusively use SLF4J in my Kotlin class? What are the implications?

Attempted Solutions:
Tried accessing underlyingLogger property, but it doesn’t exist in the new KLogger.
Explored the library documentation but couldn’t find a direct method to unwrap the KLogger.

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