How many streams will be used by a single Bi-directional streaming gRPC call?

  Kiến thức lập trình

We are noticing performance issues when trying to use the bi-directional stream API call to stream data at 2000-4000 updates/second. We enabled debug logging and see that streamId is same for all the outbound and inbound messages.

Question: Does one RPC bi-directional streaming call use only one stream to send data either from client or server? If yes, does that mean, 2000-4000 updates will be sequentially streamed instead of concurrently?

What we tried:

We are using a single bi-directional stream RPC call to publish updates at the rate of 2000-4000 updates/sec

What we did not expect:

Latency issues (~50ms) even when the client and server was running on the same host

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