I am using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
to open a Workbook. I then find the Worksheet that I need, and find a named cell in the Worksheet. I want to be able to set the value of the cell to an array, so that those values “spill” (an Excel term).
If I set the value of the cell in Excel by hand like this
I will get a spill where the first cell has 1, then the one below it has 2, and then 3 below that. Same for
I’d like to have a function in C# that can take in a dynamic array, and write that to the cell. I could use a StringBuilder
to concat all the values and then set the formula of the cell. But if the dynamic array is strings then I have to worry about the quotes.
Is there a simpler way to achieve the desired behavior? Here is what I have so far. This method is one for a class that handles the opening of the Excel file. Its also part of an AutoCAD plugin, which is the transaction object, but thats not really important.
public void testMethod3(Transaction tr)//AutoCAD object
var pages = Workbook.Worksheets.Cast<Worksheet>()
.Where(sheet => sheet.Name.Contains("Export"))
if (pages.Count != 1) return;
if (!Save)
pages.ForEach(p =>
dynamic range = pages[0]?.Names?.Item("LoopRoom")?.RefersToRange?.Cells;
List<MyObject> myObjects = //data objects with string property RoomName
object[,] data = new object[myObjects.Count+1,1];
for (int i = 0; i < loops.Count; i++)
data[i, 0] = myObjects[i].RoomName;
range.Value2 = data;