Azure Function App deployed with Terraform has persistent ServiceUnavailable error

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I am currently trying to deploy a Python Function App with Terraform. I am deploying the app with a Docker container that is kept in an ACR instance in the same resource group. Below is the module code:

resource "azurerm_storage_account" "this" {
  account_replication_type = "LRS"
  account_tier             = "Standard"
  location                 = var.resource_group_region
  name                     = "str${replace(, "-", "")}"
  resource_group_name      = var.resource_group_name

resource "azurerm_storage_share" "function_share" {
  name                 = "functionshare"
  quota                = 50
  storage_account_name =

resource "azurerm_service_plan" "this" {
  name                         = "azasp-${}"
  location                     = var.resource_group_region
  resource_group_name          = var.resource_group_name
  maximum_elastic_worker_count = var.max_elastic_worker_count
  sku_name                     = var.sku_name
  worker_count                 = var.worker_count

  os_type = "Linux"

  tags = var.tags

resource "azurerm_application_insights" "this" {
  name                                  = "apins-${}"
  resource_group_name                   = var.resource_group_name
  location                              = var.resource_group_region
  application_type                      = "web"
  workspace_id                          = var.law_instance_id
  daily_data_cap_in_gb                  = var.daily_data_cap
  daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled = var.disable_daily_data_cap_notification
  retention_in_days                     = var.retention_period
  sampling_percentage                   = var.sampling_percentage

  tags = var.tags

resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "msi_blob" {
  principal_id         = var.managed_identities[0].principal_ids[0]
  scope                =
  role_definition_name = "Storage Blob Data Owner"

resource "azurerm_linux_function_app" "this" {
  name                          = "azfun-${}"
  location                      = var.resource_group_region
  resource_group_name           = var.resource_group_name
  virtual_network_subnet_id     = var.virtual_network_subnet_id
  public_network_access_enabled = var.enable_public_network_access
  service_plan_id               =
  storage_account_name          =
  storage_uses_managed_identity = true

  app_settings = merge(var.app_settings, {
    AzureWebJobsStorage                      = azurerm_storage_account.this.primary_connection_string
    WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE                     =
    WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING = azurerm_storage_account.this.primary_connection_string

  dynamic "identity" {
    for_each = toset(var.managed_identities)

    content {
      type         = "UserAssigned"
      identity_ids = toset(identity.value["ids"])

  site_config {
    application_insights_connection_string = azurerm_application_insights.this.connection_string
    application_insights_key               = azurerm_application_insights.this.instrumentation_key

    container_registry_use_managed_identity = true

    application_stack {
      python_version = var.python_version

      dynamic "docker" {
        for_each = var.docker_config != null ? [var.docker_config] : []

        content {
          image_name   = docker.value.image_name
          image_tag    = docker.value.image_tag
          registry_url = docker.value.registry_url

    app_service_logs {
      retention_period_days = 90

  tags = var.tags

And the module consumption:

module "function-app" {
  source = "[email protected]:v3/myorg/myproj/myrepo//modules/function-app"

  name                         = "${var.workload_name}-${var.region}-${var.environment}"
  resource_group_region        = module.resource-group.location
  resource_group_name          =
  enable_public_network_access = var.allow_public_network_access

  # App Service Plan
  sku_name                 = "EP3"
  max_elastic_worker_count = 15

  # Function App
  app_settings = {
    ServiceBusConnection                          = module.service-bus-namespace.endpoint
    ServiceBusConnection__fullyQualifiedNamespace = "${}"
    BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING                        = module.blob-storage-account.primary_blob_connection_string
    BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME                           = "myblob"
    SUMMARY_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME                   = "myblob2"
    AZURE_FORM_RECOGNIZER_ENDPOINT                = module.document-intelligence.endpoint
    AZURE_FORM_RECOGNIZER_KEY                     = module.document-intelligence.primary_access_key
    COSMOS_ENDPOINT                               =
    COSMOS_KEY                                    =
    COSMOSDatabaseName                            =
    COSMOSContainerName                           =
    AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags                      = "EnableWorkerIndexing"

  docker_config = {
    image_name   = "myimage"
    image_tag    = "v1"
    registry_url = module.container-registry.login_server
  container_registry_user_managed_identity = true

  managed_identities = [
      type = "UserAssigned"
      ids  = []
      principal_ids = [module.managed-identity.principal_id]

  # Application Insights
  law_instance_id  =
  retention_period = 90

  tags = var.tags

This deploys out fine, no Terraform errors when running plan or apply. Looking at the function app in the portal I see this:

Clicking on the error details just gives this:

Any idea what’s causing this? My running theory is that it’s something to do with the app settings not being created correctly. Previously the AzureWebJobsStorage and WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE settings weren’t being created and I had to add those in, which solved a few errors but not the ServiceUnavailable issue. Thanks!

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