Rooky learning to test audio-playing skill

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I’m trying to test my first skill in the Developer Console. The skill was successfully built after removing all coding errors flagged-up in the Code section. This skill is supposed to play audio tracks from an xml file in root director of my web site. URLs seem to be OK. I’m using the Alexa Simulator: language set UK, but the “open (skill name)” invocation gets an “I don’t know that one” response. Skill name meets the criteria. I’m obviously making a basic mistake as I’ve not done this before. Any pointers please?

As mentioned, the skill seems to have been built OK, all coding errors removed. Test screen in Developer Console set to English (UK); test language on simulator set to English (GB) – don’t know why these are different! As mentioned, this is an mp3 audio playing skill so I have gone looking for settings within the Developer Console that might need to be set to enable that. I am aware that all the online testing videos I’ve looked at only deal with testing text-based skills, so I couldn’t get any pointers there. I think I must be failing to do something fairly fundamental. Thanks for any help.

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