Autodesk Platform Services – Initial proportion and initial position of multiple models not align in Outsystem Reactive App (javascript)

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Tools: Outsystem Reactive App, Javascript, Autodesk Platform Services (APS)

Our propose: To combine multiple models drawing into one final drawing using Outsystem.
But we would like to ensure that each models follow their own initial proportion and initial position settings.

Issue: The initial proportion and initial position are mis-aligned after multiple models combination. (not following the original position/proportion in CAD drawing settings)

Any help/suggestion/reference/solutions are highly appreciated.

Autodesk.Viewing.Document.load(urn:${m.urn}, (doc) => {
var viewables = doc.getRoot().getDefaultGeometry();
viewer.loadDocumentNode(doc, viewables,{
keepCurrentModels: true,
preserveView: true, // 2D drawings
modelSpace: true, // 2D drawings
applyRefPoint: true, // 3D shared coordinates
applyScaling: ‘m’, // force all models to same scale
globalOffset: {x:0,y:0,z:0}, // force all models to origin
placementTransform: (new THREE.Matrix4()).setPosition(m.xform)
.then( onLoadFinished );

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