How to confirm data security after adjust Kubernetes PV’s reclaimPolicy and delete the pvc bound with such PV

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I have encountered such problem. Clients want to migrate data from namespace A to namespace B. The data is stored in Ceph and managed by ceph csi. The default reclaim policy is delete. So If I want to complete this, I need to change PV’s reclaim policy from delete to retain and then delete pvc. After this, I can generate new pvc binding with the PV by volumeName field. It works if I operate manually. However, the scale is not that small. I want to make this process automatically. However, it causes data loss.

The pseudo-code is as follow:

func Migrate() {    
    pv := getPV()
    oldPVC := getOldPVC(pvcName, namespaceA)
    pv.ReclaimPolicy = "Retain"
    for {
        curPV := pvController.GetPV(pvName)
        if curPV.ReclaimPolicy == "Retain" {
        // retry get for loop
    // genetate new pvc and bind

Is there any way to confirm deleting pvc operation after pv has been updated by controller rather than just recording in ETCD

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