about ffmpeg option atomic_writing used in segment output

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I made a ffmpeg command like this:
“ffmpeg -y -i ./test.mp4 -ar 16000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le -f segment -segment_format s16le -segment_time 5 -vn -copyts -frame_pts true -atomic_writing true ./tmp_files/%d.pcm”.

This command runs ok;
But in my usage, I have aother thread scan the tmp_files looply when the command is running, if found new file, open it, read it, but sometimes, file opend, but read 0 bytes from the file.

so, I want to know, if the atomic_writing option take effective?
or only effect for image scene like the doc: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html ? because the option is below the image section.

If the option is no effect here, any other idea can archive my purpose?

thank you!

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