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Getting the below error while upgrading mongo driver to 5.00 in spring java application

org.springframework.data.mongodb.UncategorizedMongoDbException: Server at reports wire version 5, but this version of the driver requires at least 6 (MongoDB 3.6).; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoIncompatibleDriverException: Server at reports wire version 5, but this version of the driver requires at least 6 (MongoDB 3.6).

Different solution says its because my java application wire version(6) requires a higher version than my server(5). Tried to configure the MongoDB Java driver to use a lower maximum wire version of Server using compressorList()

compressorList(Arrays.asList(MongoCompressor.createZlibCompressor())) or SNAPPY
but its not wowrking. Any thoughts please ?

Tried to configure the MongoDB Java driver to use a lower maximum wire version of Server using compressorList()

compressorList(Arrays.asList(MongoCompressor.createZlibCompressor())) or SNAPPY
but its not wowrking.

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